Sunday, July 26, 2009

A night of Bonding, Beer, Salsa, and Mercedes.

Two of my cousins have been here at Kuala Lumpur for goodness knows how long. Yet, we never seemed to make any plans to meet up and catch up on our lives. That particular Friday though, Michele, one of them, called me and suggested a night out drinking, since we havent met for some time ever since she went to Sarawak for her Practical Stint as an up and coming Architect.
After work that evening, I was a little tired and shamefully, i had this thought of putting the whole plan off, but when I heard how earnest Michele was, i decided to go ahead with it all. So at 10PM that evening, i drove from my house. Upon entering the highway, i was tail-gated by a group of 5 males in a car. BOY! I totally freaked out! Rummaging for my cell phone i immediately gave my boyfriend a call. Somehow, his voice always manages to calm me down. Right after that i got off the highway and slipped in between cars as there was a massive traffic jam. For once, I was thankful for the jam! So yeah, at that moment, i was cussing in my mind on how i should not go out that evening, etc.

When i picked up my cousins though... Everything changes. I realised then, how much i miss our younger days. How we would just sit on my car porch and talk about guys, funny stories and share secrets gossips. So instead of our initial plan to go dancing, we choosed a quiet lounge in the corner of Jalan Raja Chulan called Paradisso, ordered two buckets of beer, with good salsa music and all, we just talked, chatted and had a really really great time!

Surprisingly, even after not meeting up with them for a long time, they seemed to be the very people I can talk about my problems to and not feel as though I'm being judged. Along the way, we met a dance instructor, Allie, who then invited us to dance Salsa (Which none of us know how to!). In the end, Allie made us promise to learn from him, and give it a shot one day. We agreed. :D

As usual, being the shutter-bug that I am, I never leave my house without my trusted Camera in tow! ;) Here are a few shots of us having a good time! Let me start by introducing the main celebrities of the evening.
This is Michele. We were born in the same year, and she's an up and coming Architect to be (=
This is Juliet, Michele's Sister.
Meet Violet, Juliet's colleague.
And then, there's me - Yours Truly ;)
So the evening carried on with us taking MORE pictures, and getting more beers into our slim bellies (ehem. I'd like to think that way) and eventually, before the night ends, we had our ultimate groupie snap shot, which turned out preddy lovely!
If you think our night and fun ended there, maybe you should think again. The best time we had was actually after Paradisso, when we were walking to my car! Right outside of Paradisso, there is this infamous REALLY humungous tree. What else? I started posing for pictures. ;p There were passer bys who actually stopped and looked at 4 crazy girls giggling and having fun while clicking away at my trusted ol' Camera, whom I'd like to name my Fernando. =))

Now, here's the catch. The humungous tree, and passer bys laughing at us? That wasn't the funniest thing of the night. We eventually had to walk down the hill over the curb to my car and we spotted a nice black comfy Merc. (Or so i think) . I shall not describe any further, and just leave you with some images to decipher this not so misterious mystery. So, Until us cousins come together, with Salsa music and all, That shall keep me smiling till we meet again.


  1. i smiled when i read this.. dunno why.. maybe it reminded me of my chicas :)

    mind if i ask your race? you're from phillippines?

  2. These were fun times.. Where there were less cobwebs. (=
    I'm a Eurasian... Purely Malaysian. ;) It's just in the blood all the way back from my Ancestors...
