A new Job. A new Life.
Getting used to the time change.
Trying to get use to the environmental and circumstance change as well.
Though I wished things would've been different.
One thing I do more now:- Photography.
Getting back to my old passion of being a shutter-bug.
This is one of my latest Shot.
Also one that holds so much memories.
Drops of Jupiter
Resumed my Gym regime as well. It also helps when There is a gym soooo near your office. Practically in the same building.
It also helps a lot when you're surrounded by so many people and yet non of them actually knows you. Oh the solidarity! I get to work with plenty of Boxes and Packages instead of people so I get to tune out to all the unwelcomed drama and just sing aloud to rocking rhythmns on my IPod. So yeah, I'm trying.
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