Sunday, January 24, 2010

Strength of a Woman.

Strength is inherent capacity to manifest energy, to endure, and to resist.
- via

I've came a long way. Pain and heartache are no longer new to me. Happiness, laughter and smiles; they're all aliens. Despite it all, One thing I gained from it all, is an 8 letter word - S.T.R.E.N.G.T.H.

This, I most certainly have.
I may be a fallen rose, but I'll always triumph in the end...

because of one simple reason...

I followed my heart.
No regrets, whatsoever.



  1. Things couldn't kill you,would just make you stronger. Be strong :)

  2. I am glad your following your heart babysis. Also happy to know that you're not giving up <3

    I am following mine as well and that's why i gonna do my best to be able to see you this year! yes yes yes yes yessssss ^____^
