Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Fish Spa.

Pampering ones self is life given pleasures. What better ways to do so than a round of relaxing massage, and a spa session next? The crux in this blog post is the three letter word:- Spa! Steam room and Sauna... ohhhh the luxury!


Do you know that there is another form called the Fish Spa?
Here's how it goes. You soak your feet into the spa pond, and tiny fishes made for feet therapy will nibble on your feet. EXTREMELY Ticklish at first, but once you get used to it, it's so therapeutic! And yes, I almost fell asleep too if it was not for Gerard's constant bantering! Ü

Needless to say, half an hour later, the soles of your feet would be so tender and soft! The best part is, all these luxury, only cost roughly about RM15 to RM20! Awesome, no? If you asked me, on a scale of 1 to 10, was it worth the money, I would give it a 9.9! Ü


  1. did the fish die when they nibbled ur feet? :-P

  2. Fish spa!!!! sounds super funny :D
    so relaxing,awww
    i need one too! ;)

  3. @Ikky: Nope, but they probably would if its yours xD

    @Angel: Yes yes you do! I can imagine u squeeling louder than me!!! haha!!

  4. Hahahaha u were squeeling??? Cute or what? <3 Yeah,i bet i would too :P

  5. Looks fun! You got beautiful feet!

  6. i've tried this before 2 years ago with my other half.. both of us were giggling and laughing all the time.. I even accidentally scratched my man.. haha.. such fun..
