Wednesday, June 2, 2010

25 Secrets.

I was busy blog-hopping and came across this interesting post. I figured, why not right? Since I pretty much have some free time on hand at the moment. Hence, I decided to extract this post from the beautiful Chybeelila 's blog and decided to take a whack at it! So... Here goes nothing! ;)

25 Secrets You Do Not Know About:-
Cindy Eliza Vaz
1. Do not like the colour Pink although I do wear a lot of it.

2. Changes the ring-tone of my phone according to my mood.

3. Loves scented candles but never buy any of them :p

4. Is afraid to sleep in the dark!

5. My favourite food in the entire world would be mom's home cooked Filipino dish called Paksiw

6. When I was a kid, I've always wanted to marry a Fireman. I thought they were cool, I still do, just minus the "Marrying" them part.  

7. My idea of an Ideal Vacation is to do nothing but Read, Sun-tanning, and sipping a chilled Mojito by the beach. 

8. I am addicted to Shoes. Period.

9. My nieces and my nephew are my weakest Link! Ü In a good way!

10. I absolutely abhore Cikus because they smell like cough mixtures! Ughhhh..

11. I refresh my Facebook Profile page and Twitter Profile page over and over again - ALL the time. lol ;)

12. Sings in the Shower. Everyday!

13. Collects bottles after bottles of BodyShop Lotions!
14. Is very particular about my things being arranged in a certain way. I do not know if this is OCD but the moment I see my things messed up, I get pissed :p

15. Secretly enjoys songs from Boyzone and Michael Learns to Rock. Now it is not so much of a secret anymore.

16. First Celebrity Crush as a kid was Sylvester Stalone after watching "DayLight". Come on, which kid doesn't love Rocky Balboa?

17. I drink WAYYY too much coffee in a day.

18. I like to sit with my legs folded up on the chair - anywhere I am.

19. I'm seriously allergic to women who have no respect for themselves nor others.

20. I tell people I'm Chinese when I'm lazy to explain my heritage and roots. Ü

21. I am clumsy and I trip over things and fall all the time!

22. I like boring stuffs like Shakespeare, Tchaikovsky, instrumentals, Swan Lake, Miss Saigon and most of all Museums!

23. I write diaries and list out my Things To Do before I Turn 50 all the time, but never end up following them! :p

24. I have limited "VVIPs" in my life because I do not see the need to have so much friends who never really bothered.

25. I can NEVER leave home without my bag stuffed with a book, my wallet, mobile, inhaler, deodorant, and most of all, mineral water! Ü

So there you go. What are 25 Secrets people do not generally know or realise about you?


  1. This made me smile babysis :) U always manage to bring sunshine all over my face ;)

    U don't like pink? Then ur not my sister cause I love it!hahaha:D joking, ur still my sis no matter what <3

    Scented candles...I should remember them and get you some one day :) I'm a big fan of them myself ;)

    And I don't drink coffee at all :( I thought uni stress would make me a coffee addict, but that didn't happen, at least not yet :P

    Wanted to comment at every point of those 25, but then my comment would turn out to be an essay so I better stop spamming you :D mwah!

  2. U linked me! hehe...

    Did you find it hard to finish the list? It took me al most three hours to finish everything. haha...most of the time struggling with the language itself :p

    chybee ;)

  3. @ Lucy: I'd love to read about YOUR version of 25 secrets! :D

    @Yanie: Yes I did. I'm an ardent fan of your blog. Thought its really quirky and most of all fascinating! Oh trust me... I took just about the same time to do it as well.. Which is why i chosed to blog about this :p
