Monday, September 7, 2009

I'm The Shadow. What about you?

Carl Gustav Jung:

Stages of Individual progress -

  • Persona:-
Is the mask we use everyday, pretending to be who we are. We believe that the world depends on us, that we're wonderful parents and that our children don't understand us, that our bosses are unfair, that the dream of every human being is never to work and to travel constantly.

Many people realise that there's something wrong with this story, but because they don't want to change anything, they quickly drive the thought from their head. The few that try to understand what is wrong, end up finding -

  • The Shadow:-
Is our dark side which dictates how we should act and behave. When we try to free ourselves from the Persona, we turn on a light inside us, and we see the cobwebs, the cowardice, the meanness. The Shadow is there to stop our progress, and it usually succeeds, and we run back to what we were before we doubted.

However, some do survive this encounter with their own cobwebs, saying:
"YES, I have a few faults, but i'm good enough, and I want to go forward."

At this moment, The Shadow dissapears and we come into contact with:

  • The Soul:-
It is the source of all knowledge. Instincts becomes sharper, emotions more radical, the interpretation of signs becomes more important than logic, perceptions of reality grows less rigid. We start to struggle with things to which we are unaccustomed and we start to react in ways that we ourselves find unexpected.

I was reading up on certain analogies and found these exceptionally interesting. At this point, I would have to say I'm still stuck in the stage of being The Shadow. There are so many cobwebs that I'm currently tangled in. Many a times, I wish I could have stand up, proud, and announce that I'm moving forward. Yet, I held back, for fear of going through the journey alone. Cowardice. That's what I am. I would rather run from reality, and pretend as though nothing happened than brace the impact and consequences and move into the stage of being The Soul. Perchance, one day, I shall be brave enough to do that. For now, baby steps is all I'm capable of taking, without him by my side. Find yourself being stuck in a similar position as I am? Maybe it's time to start re-evaluating your life.

I find myself lost without you. It's hitting me, now...
8/9/2009 - Tuesday. 1.51PM


  1. Believe in yourself and you won't be a shadow anymore ;)

    Did you take this from a book? I am really wondering where do you girls (You,Carine and some more) take all these books with deep thoughts? I am never able to find some good ones here in Slovakia :(

  2. I got this from a book, indeed! (=
    send me your address cowhead. i'll post it to you.. ;) If u sooooo insist, u can pay me the postage fees. but thats it. ;p

  3. NO WAY! I told you not to send me anything as you already wasted enough money on me so don't be stubborn anymore and don't think of sending me anything anymore :)
    mwaaaaaaaah ♥

  4. Awwww... ): I wanna! Carine did, so did Phil. I wanna too! Please?

  5. You already did!Don't you remember?Got that super cute pink top and all those yummy sweets from you Ü

  6. meh! Only one.. One more.. Pweaseeeeee... *pouts*

  7. You are sooo stubborn!*spanks* :D
    Okay okay one more,but you have to give me your address too,okay?I wanna send sth to you too ;)
