Friday, September 11, 2009

Sunny Happy Saturday

It's a Cool Sunny Day today Ü . Perfect for gym. My workout regime today includes 15 mins on the treadmill, 1 hour of BodyJam, and an hour and half of Line Dance Funk. Definitely the first time I'm working out this vigorously. I just wanted to see how far I can actually go, after one month of hitting the Gym. Its a bonus for me after finding out about my health issues, and recent happenings, I needed to vent. Gym is my best bet compared to my other alternatives - which includes a very unhealthy round of beers and getting drunk and driving to the middle of nowhere.

Just updated the playlist on my MP4 to more house musics. Absolutely think that Eric Prydz and David Guetta are awesome! Ü

So what else is on my agenda today? Probably dinner night out with the family. Dad's been vomitting consistently these few nights and haven't been eating anything AT ALL aside from oatmeals. No good. ): Its been hard on the family, having have to deal with two cancer patients at home. So Today, I woke up and decided that I should stop moping about my illness. I'll be normal . After all, That's what I've always wanted to be.

I'm glad and thankful that I managed to wake up today to a cheery mood. It determines my whole day and I'm going to try to make it through this day without shedding a single tear! I got my closure last night. It wasn't a goodbye:- I got my answer to all my questions. It's all real. Everything that happened, was real and genuine. Nobody can take that away from me. And for that, I feel so liberated, and happy - because he loves me. Ü Love was never about possession. It's about wanting that very person to have the best in life and be happy about it.

Happy points collected! Ü

Day 1 of Holiday from chemo.
12.56PM - 12/09/09


  1. Feels good to know ur a bit happier than in the last couple of days :) It is true that when u wake up to a cheery mood you usually stay so for the rest of the day.If only that happened often,right? hehe :D

    Btw.there is no "i'll be normal" but "I AM NORMAL" because that is what you are. Love you,mwah.

  2. ditto ditto. I agree. Cheery mood makes my day, always! So am I in a cheery mood today. I hope they keep coming! Ü

    What do you mean? you me and Karlie is so not normal. haha *Wink!* we stand out ;)

  3. LOL!Okay okay now that i think about it i have to agree that the three of us are not normal =P

    Let's say we are special instead od saying we are not normal ;) I am so happy i have u girls!

    Love u,truly,madly,deeply!

  4. "Special" is abnormal, except its redefined. ;p
    I love you truly madly deeply toos!
    We havent had like a conference chat in ages have we? All of us together in a chat room.

  5. We had a short one few days ago with Karlie,Azlina,Jillien and Pris but everyone was really busy so we only chated for few minutes :(

    It would be soooo great if we had one soon!It is so much fun :) Makes me feel so loved everytime i talk to you girls ♥
