Friday, September 11, 2009

Medical Malpractice!

I swear to goodness, this would be the LAST time I'd ever trust a Govt Hospital ever again. EVER.

A week and half ago, I collapsed.. I noticed that my vision problem returned, and I have double vision of everything I see... I can neither drive nor walk on the roads without guidance. Previously, there were a couple of times where I've started nose bleeding. What happened was I went and did a CT-Scan and also a blood test. The lab reports were shocking. It turned out that a benign tumour that I had a few years back, had turned Malicious.

I went ahead and gave it a good fight. Shots after shots of chemo meds, radiotherapies, blended diets, Tramadols, Arcoxias. I started losing hair, intense vomitting and total lack of appetite. to date, I had lost 3 KGs in mere days.

Today though, the vomitting was too intense - consistently since morning.. So I made a trip to the Onco department. Boy... Was I greeted with "GOOD" news. It turns out that there was a mistake in the Blood tests. It was switched. Both of us were of O+ blood. Only difference is... Mine is of a benign tumour. As we speak, the lady next bed is being told that she was the one with a malicious Signet Ring form of tumour - which is one of the fastest spreading tumour.

I'm not trying to be mean, but it was like... The doctor told me that I'm dying, and then a week later, they said "April FOOLS!" . I am so damn friggin %*@($#&%&@#(%#%&V MAD right now. This would absolutely be the one final time i would EVER stay in a General Hospital, ever again.

However, despite the clearance in the blood tests, There IS still a growth. Was it because of the prievous tumour? It seems like its getting bigger. How can I know whether it is or isnt? Looks like I need t be subject to more probes and needle pokes to find out.

Cycle 1 of Chemo done. One week holiday, before deciding if there is a need for Round two. Pray for me!



  1. u'oh.... sorry to hear that about the recklessness of the hospital. Man, you should drag them to court for the sufferings you've gone through...both physically and emotionally pain that you have to endure for the false alarm.

    sad (but true),i'm working for this country's MInistry of Health. But I won't back up this department for their carelessness, at all cost..

    Pray you'll recover soon, girl!

  2. I fully intend to. u can rest assured on that.
    I have lived in constant fear for the past one week thinking that I might not wake up the next day. The depression and emotional unbalance that I've faced..

    This is insane. I'm not kidding.
    Is it any wonder why People have lesser faith now in the Govt medical line? psssht!

    Thanks Mamacita.

  3. WHAT DID THEY DO??????????

    They are lucky to be miles away from me,else i would punch them all,grrrrrrr!
    I do hope that this will never happen again!*praying*

    And now sth off topic: Are u a 0+ too? Cause i am as well! :)

  4. You're o+ too???? ^.^
    See.. we ARE soul sisters!

    I demanded a public apology from them. we'll see how it goes.. :)

  5. Yes i am a 0+!!!!
    I can't believe you are as well Ü

    Let me know how it all worked out once you know.
