Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Losing touch with reality.

Aggravated mode *On*!
I found out someone actually hacked into my Twitter account, and deleted a few of my messages. Whoever it is - That's just NOT the right thing to do. It's my privacy in question here! My messages, my accounts, my blogs are the only thing I have left that will remind me and make me feel like I'm Cindy Eliza Vaz.

Everyday, I wake up feeling like a stranger in my own life. I have to read Post its, Notebook and little messages to know what I did, to know my emails, to know my passwords. As if that wasn't bad enough... Now I have to deal with someone Physically Deleting my memories!

No one can understand how it feels like to wake up each day forgetting what date, day and what happened. It's like I'm gradually losing touch with reality. I'm losing it. I'm Losing IT!

The damn people from Hospis Malaysia was here. Pretentious. They appear encouraging, putting on a fake smile and everything, but they talk as if I'm dying. I'm a fighter. I fight.

I am going to get myself checked out today after my sessions. I'm changing institution. Too many people knows I'm here, and the fake pity they convey disgusts me.



  1. I am so sorry to hear that someone hacked ur Twitter :(

    Remember when i had my old FB account hacked? I wanted to kill that guy for deleting all my photos and messages...stupid hackers!!!

    I really have no idea why anyone would do something like that!

    What do they get from it? I would understand if they would hack my bank account and steal my money,but this??? o.O

  2. Exactly... But i have a deep sinking feeling that the person who deleted my messages, is someone i know and may be colose to, because of the certain messages he deleted... they were messages that meant a lot to me.. From a person I deeply care about who's no longer by my side.

  3. Oh that does not sound good at all :(
    I am so sorry Cindy *hugs*

  4. Thanks Love... *hugs back*
    I think i'm losing it.
